[Pivotal] Cloud Foundry


$ cf login [-a API_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o ORG] [-s SPACE] .

API_URL: This is your API endpoint, the URL of the Cloud Controller in your Cloud Foundry instance.
USERNAME: Your username.
PASSWORD: Your password. Use of the -p option is discouraged as it may record your password in your shell history.
ORG: The org where you want to deploy your apps.
SPACE: The space in the org where you want to deploy your apps.

ex) $ cf login -s development

Cloud Foundry

$ yo jhipster:cloudfoundry

After application modification, repackage it with

$ ./mvnw package -DskipTests=true -B -Pdev

And then re-deploy it with

$ cf push -f ./deploy/cloudfoundry/manifest.yml -p target/*.war


$ cf env spring-music


$ cf restage spring-music


$ cf d spring-music

Really delete the app spring-music?> y
Deleting app spring-music in org oreilly-class / space instructor as mstine@pivotal.io...

$ cf ds spring-music-db

Really delete the service spring-music-db?> y
Deleting service spring-music-db in org oreilly-class / space instructor as mstine@pivotal.io...

modu namu

modu namu
Step by Step. GRIT!

[App] DB Browser for SQLite

DB Browser for SQLite 소개 Continue reading

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Published on December 02, 2017